
The Student Voice Project (a primary schools attitude survey)

The St Mary’s Centre has worked with the Church in Wales to conduct an annual primary schools attitude survey within Church in Wales schools across the Province. The survey profiles the religious attitudes and spiritual health of pupils and this supports the professional assessment of church schools. Of particular significance is the scope of the survey, which provides opportunity for a wide-range of analyses to be conducted in this sector as well as individual annual reports to all participating schools.

The Student Voice Project was conducted among year 5 and year 6 students within 88 Church in Wales primary schools during three consecutive school years: 2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016-17. the aims of the projects were to access the student voices across three areas:

  • the areas of ethos identified by the SIAMS inspection system;
  • spiritual wellbeing;
  • attitudes toward Christianity.

Every year, participating schools were provided with a profile of their students' responses set alongside an overview of responses from students in all participating schools. Individual schools were encouraged to use these materials to:

  • evaluate their situation each year;
  • identify areas for improvement;
  • assess their individual trajectory from year to year.

The Student Voice Project was initiated by the Church in Wales and shaped by Professor David W. Lankshear and Professor Leslie J. Francis working with the St Mary's Centre and the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit.

David Lankshear and Leslie J. Francis would value the opportunity to discuss the outcome of the Student Voice Project with those shaping church schools in other dioceses.

Publication download

Download the full list of publications from this project (including abstracts).

If you would like to read more about any of these publications, please contact the St Mary's Centre.