Place of Trust
‘Place of Trust’ (in both its English
and Welsh versions) was
specially written for the RE Council’s Celebrating
RE month, March 2011. The resource provided a shared song of
linking together young people from across Wales and England as they
RE in their local and national contexts.
Place of Trust today
The song, however, has a relevance
that goes far beyond the Celebrating RE
month of 2011. Religious
Education in Wales and England today provides a place where young
people are
able to engage with fundamental questions, to explore beliefs,
teachings and
practices, and to express their personal responses. This means that
Education is involved with questions and issues which can be both
personal and
sensitive. This background provides the context for the central theme
of the
song, the ‘Place of Trust’ or haven where young people can learn about
and others in a supportive and respectful environment. The song
appreciates the
need for and the value of such places of meeting, and welcomes the
relational potentialities
and challenges that these may bring.
The song was released by Stiwdio
Sain, featuring Dafydd
Dafis, Eleri Fôn and Ysgol Tryfan choir, and is available to purchase
as an iTunes download.
Schools, faith communities and other non-commercial groups
have permission
to use the downloadable music backing track and to make copies of the
score and
words for their performances of the song.
Place of Trust (English score)
Hafan Ffydd (Welsh score)
Place of Trust (English words)
Hafan Ffydd (Welsh words)