A-level Journal: Challenging Religious Issues

Challenging Religious Issues is an online journal supporting A-level Religious Studies for students and teachers. The journal was set up through Welsh Government sponsorship and is now published by the St Mary’s Centre in partnership with St Peter's Saltley Trust.
- Articles are written by leading scholars and practitioners
- A wide range of popular A-level options are covered
- Activities and live links to recommended websites are included
- The journal is published every term
Unfortunately, we have not been able to find financial support to continue funding the Welsh translation of this journal. Therefore, a Welsh edition will not be available from Autumn 2018 onwards.
Challenging Religious Issues (English version) ISSN 2053-5163
Herio Materion Crefyddol (Welsh version) ISSN 2053-5171
We welcome any comments and suggestions for future articles in Challenging Religious Issues.
Please contact us.
Issues 19 onwards are available here.
Issue 18 Spring 2021 (English version) (Welsh version - to be published soon)
Jesus’ Public Ministry Part 1: Words and Works
James M. M. Francis
Jesus’ Public Ministry Part 2: Rejection and Responses
James M. M. Francis
Hume’s Criticism of the Argument from (to) Design Part 1
L. Philip Barnes
Hume’s Criticism of the Argument from (to) Design Part 2
L. Philip Barnes
Considering the Impact of Covid-19 on Christianity in the UK: Opportunity or Challenge?
Leslie J. Francis and Andrew Village
Assessing the Impact of Covid-19 on Christianity in the UK: Opportunity or Challenge?
Leslie J. Francis and Andrew Village
Issue 17 Autumn 2020 (English version) (Welsh version)
Family Tree: Who is Baby Jesus
John Holdsworth
Religion Goes Viral: Faith and Belief in a Pandemic
Martyn Percy
Stephen Hawking and a Universe without God?
David Wilkinson
Does the Genetic Basis of Life on Earth Make Life after Death an Impossibility?
C. Mark Harrison
On Buddhism and Violence
Phra Nicholas Thanissaro
Some Trends in Ecotheology
Samuel Tranter
Issue 16 Spring 2020 (English version)
Aliens: Ecclesiology and 1 Peter
John Holdsworth
The Nativity and Crucifixion in Christian Art: Encounter, Interpretation and Devotion
Bridget Nichols
Mind, Brain and the Unifying Soul
Mark Graves
Implicit Religion: A New Approach to the Study of Religion?
Francis Stewart
The Ineffable Mystery of God?
Jeff Astley
Made in the Image of God: Experiences of a Woman with Disability in Nigeria
Jessie Fubara-Manuel and Elijah Obinna
Issue 15 Autumn 2019: Special Issue on Science and Theology (English version)
This special issue was made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.
Technology and Human Experience
Adam Willows
Evolution and the Argument from (or to) Design
Jeff Astley
Stewardship of Creation
Andrew Village
Thinking about Being Human in a Universe of Aliens
David Wilkinson
Is Creation Complete? A Critique of Continuing Creation
Timothy Wall
Issue 14 Autumn 2018 (English version)
Atonement: Experience, Story, Theory?
Jeff Astley
Religion and Popular Culture
Clive Marsh
'Impersonating Beyonce is Not Your Destiny, Child': Reflections on Feminist Theology
Hayley Matthews
Richard Swinburne on the Soul
Jeff Astley
Issue 13 Summer 2018 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
New Atheism
David Wilkinson
Islam and Democracy: Are they Compatible or Irreconcilable? (Part 2)
Abdullah Sahin
Some Non-Cognitive Theories of Morality
Jeff Astley
Religious Experience Through Art
Daniel Moulin-Stozek
Issue 12 Spring 2018 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Rudolf Otto on Numinous Experience
Jeff Astley
Was Jung Correct: Is Religion Good for the Psychological
Wellbeing of Normal People?
Leslie J.Francis
Islam and Democracy: Are they Compatible or Irreconcilable? (Part 1)
Abdullah Sahin
Utilitarianism and Theological Ethics
Samuel Tranter
Issue 11 Autumn 2017 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Ian Ramsey on Religious Language
Jeff Astley
Protestants and Natural Law: Rejection and Retrieval
Samuel Tranter
The Earliest Easter Narratives
James Francis
Thomas Aquinas and Just Cause for War
Emily Pollard
Issue 10 Spring 2016 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
William James on Religious Experience
William K. Kay
Worship: Receiving, Developing and Living Tradition
Bridget Nichols
The Enlightenment Debate in Early Buddhism
Phra Nicholas Thanissaro
The Reformations: Magisterial and Radical
Paul Wilson
Issue 9 Autumn 2015 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Approaching New Religious Movements
Richard Bartholomew
John Hick’s Philosophy of Religion
Jeff Astley
The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith
Peter Watts
The Five Pillars of Islam and their Significance in Modern Society
Declan O’Sullivan
Issue 8 Summer 2015 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Eternal Life as a Present Possession
Mikel Burley
Kant on God and the Good: Hoping for Happiness
Christopher Insole
Soul-making and ‘Horrors’
Ian James Kidd
The Ethics of War: Just War Theory
Emily Pollard
Issue 7 Spring 2015 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
The Objectivity of Religious Experience: Philosophical Arguments
Jeff Astley
All in the Mind? Psychology of Religion and Religious Experience
Mark Fox
Identity and Belonging: A perspective on Paul's letter to the Galatians
James Francis
The Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements
William K Kay
Issue 6 Autumn 2014 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Euthanasia: Do We Have a Right to Die When We Want?
Dr Michael Armstrong
The Zionist Movement
Professor Gareth Lloyd Jones
Fundamentalism as a Response to Biblical Criticism
Paul Wilson
The Concept of Jihad in Islam
Dr Declan O’Sullivan
Issue 5 Summer 2014 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Jung and the Psychology of Religion
Philippe Dauphin
Is Belief in Miracles Reasonable in a Scientific Age?
Professor David Wilkinson
The Development of Faith
Professor Jeff Astley
Situation Ethics: Was Joseph Fletcher Right All Along?
Dr Ashley Wilson
Issue 4 Spring 2014 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
Mind after Death? Substance Dualism, Immortality and the Near-Death Experience
Dr Mark Fox
Professor Gareth Lloyd Jones
Blasphemy and Free Speech
Dr Richard Bartholomew
Are We Free Beings?
Adam Willows
Issue 3 Autumn 2013 (English Version) (Welsh Version)
God in Pop Culture
David Wilkinson
Aristotle’s Virtue Theory
Adam Willows
Faith, Reason and Revelation
Gerald Loughlin
Describing God
Jeff Astley
Issue 2 Summer 2013 (English version) (Welsh version)
Evil and Suffering
Professor Jeff Astley
Psychology and Mysticism: An Empirical Approach
Professor Leslie J Francis
Secularisation: Approaches and Aspects
Dr Richard Bartholomew
Secular and Religious Meditation
Phra Nicholas Thanissaro
Issue 1 Spring 2013 (English version) (Welsh version)
Evolution and Creation
Professor Jeff Astley
Researching Religious Experience in China: The Alister Hardy Project
Professor Leslie J Francis
Christian Sexual Ethics: Homosexuality and Marriage
Dr Stephen Parker
The Growth of Neo-Pentecostalism in Britain: A Critique of Secularisation
Professor William K. Kay